Introduction Until a child is twelve months old, you call him an infant. After twelve months, we call him a
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Introduction Until a child is twelve months old, you call him an infant. After twelve months, we call him a
Continue readingIntroduction Infancy is a period of rapid growth. From the safe protected world in the mother’s womb, where it was
Continue readingIntroduction Pregnancy is a happy event for most women. Every mother would like her pregnancy to be one with no
Continue readingIntroduction All the yogic practices whether Asana, Pranayama need one-pointed awareness for deep relaxation and develop a meditative attitude. Being
Continue readingPrinciples Of Yoga The various principles of Yoga can be categorized as follows: Principle Of Balance The principle of energy
Continue readingThe true nature of Yoga has been well described by Maharshi Patanjali in Yogadarshana. It is basically a treatise explaining
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