Principles Of Yoga

Principles Of Yoga

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Principles Of Yoga

The various principles of Yoga can be categorized as follows:

Principle Of Balance

The principle of energy is known as the Principle of balance. There are many energy centers in every human being and Prana Urja flows through them. In yogic terminology, these energy centers are called ‘Chakras‘. The correct flow of energy through these Chakras is called ‘Balance‘. Yogic practice purifies these Chakras so that energy flows through them uninterruptedly. This correct flow of energy is the foundation of a person’s internal and external wellbeing; whereas any disturbance to the flow of energy leads to various kinds of Diseases, Dosha, Vikara, and Negativity.

Brief Description Of Chakras: In Atharvaveda, Chakras Are Described As:

Ashtachakra Navadvara Daevanam Purayodhya,
Asyam Hiranyayah Kosah Svargo Jyotishavrtah.” [ Atharvavaedam-10.2.31 ]

In this body, which is metaphorically referred to as Ayodhya – the city of Gods, is equipped with eight circles and nine portals [ two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, mouth, anus, and genitals ]. In this city, there is Hiranya Kosa, or the treasure of brilliance which is the source of infinite, unbounded peace and pleasure and an abode of bliss and sojourn of divine radiance, equipped with a soul full of power. It is ever marching on to blissful God, surrounded by the realization of the Supreme Being. Yoga practitioners, who are always in the pursuit of this Divyakosa, the divine abode, can only achieve it.

Chakras Description

Muladhara Chakra [ Pelvic Plexus i.e. Root Plexus Vis-A-Vis Reproductory System ]

The Muladhara Chakra is situated two inches up to the base anus and two inches down to the genital organ. Sushumna [ Saraswati ] Nadi goes through the center of Chakra, and Ida [ Ganga ] from Vama Kona, the left angle. Hence, this Chakra is called ‘Mukta Triveni’ three-fold flow of liberation. Kundalini Shakti, the power of Kundalini, the serpent that lies in a ‘Coiled’ shape. It is the energy center for the whole body. The meaning of the name Muladhara is self-explanatory, as it is the source of the whole energy of the body. Health, ability, skill performance like many more benefits can be achieved and enhanced by concentrating on this Chakra. One can be Urdhwareta [ The one, whose semen starts the upward journey, which is the prime symptom of celibacy ], strength, vigor, and brightness. All the ailments of the body disappear.

Svadhishthana Chakra [ Hypogastric Plexus Visa-Vis Excretory System ]

This Chakra is situated two inches upwards from the Muladhara Chakra, near the abdomen. Concentrating on Svadhishthana Chakra one can create, nourish, and destroy anything. Goddess Saraswati speaks through the practitioner’s mouth. His/her word has a miraculous effect.

Manipura Chakra [ Epigastric Plexus Or Solar Plexu Vis-A-Vis Digestive System ]

This Chakra is situated in the source place of the navel. Manipura Chakra provides energy to the whole digestive system including the liver, nerves, and pancreas. According to Yogadarsana: ‘NabhiChakrae Kayavyuhajnanam‘ [ Y.S.-3.22 ]. If one meditates on NabhiChakra one can perceive the structure of the body, i.e., the knowledge of different limbs of the body.

Hridaya Chakra Or Nimna ManasChakra [ Lower Mind Plexus Vis-A-Vis Skeletal System ]

Hridaya Chakra is an illusionary heart, situated between the chest. This heart is not a physical one, hence is not seen with naked eyes. This Upanishads describes this as ‘Atman‘, the individual soul. Tantric scriptures say, ‘Concentrating on Hridaya Chakra‘ one can achieve powers like the eloquence of speech, poetic power, winning the senses. In ‘Sivasaratantra‘ it is said that the sound of Anahata [ The unbeaten ] sound, which is heard in this Chakra is nothing but the Udgeetha  [ Syllable ] form of ‘Aum’. Concentration on this Chakra is particularly beneficial for women and for devout practitioners.

Visuddhi Chakra [ Carotid Plexus Vis-A-Vis Respiratory System ]

This Chakra is situated in the throat. By the practice of concentrating and awakening this Chakra, one becomes a poet, erudite, healthy, and happy. It provides a long life. When this Chakra is awakened, ailments related to thyroid, lungs would be healed.

Ajna Chakra [ Medullary Plexus Vis-A-Vis Nervous System ]

This Chakra is situated in between the eyebrows. Concentrating on this Chakra, by practicing Pranayama, the Sadhaka attains peace and joy. Autonomic and voluntary nervous system becomes healthy and balanced. The whole nervous system is associated with Ajna Chakra. Hence, when the Ajna Chakra is awakened, the nervous system becomes healthy and strong. All the three channels, namely Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna flow in separate directions from Muladhara to this junction, and converge at this Chakra. Therefore, Ajna Chakra is known as Triveni.

Ida Bhageerathee Ganga Pingala Yamuna Nadee,
Tayormadhyagata Nadi Sushujnakhya Sarasvatee.
Trivaenee-Samgamo Yatra Teertharajah Sa Uchyatae,
Tatra Snanam Prakurveeta Sarvapapaih Pramuchyatae.”
[ Jnanasamkalineetantram ]

Ida and Pingala Nadis are known as Ganga and Yamuna. Sushumna Nadi is between Ida and Pingala and is called Saraswati. This Triveni, where all the three channels are united is known as Teertharaja, the auspicious pilgrimage. Bathing [ Meditating ] in the Ganges, the practitioner can cleanse his sins.

The Triveni Sangam of the three physical rivers is an analogy and used metaphorically to represent the convergence of Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna Nadis at the Ajna Chakra. This Triveni is not a physical place, but our inner world of thoughts. Actually, physical bathing in the Ganges cannot cleanse a person’s sins. As per the laws of Karma, one has to endure the consequences of one’s own actions – good and/or bad. Therefore, the scriptures say – Avasyamaeva Bhoktavyam Krtam Karma Subhasubham. Yes, if one bathes in the Ganges, and pledges not to commit any sinful act, and keep up your pledge in the future, then you can be saved.

ManasChakra [ Bindu Or Lalana Chakra ]

This Chakra is situated in the Hypothalamus. The function of this Chakra is to produce necessary cerebrospinal fluid and salts etc.

Sahasrara Chakra [ Endocrine System, Crown Plexus ]

This Chakra is situated in the mind. This Chakra is the center of the whole divine powers. All the secretory fluids, including pituitary and pineal glands, are associated with Sahasrara Chakra. When Sahasrara Chakra is awakened, the whole endocrine system gets in balance


Principle Of Awakening Dormant Energies

The human body is like an energy agglomerate. It houses tremendous energy/ skills/capabilities, including ‘Kundalini Shakti‘. Until and unless awakened, it remains in Suptavastha [ Dormant state ]. This Kundalini Shakti, which is in a coil form resembling a snake, can be awakened through Yogagni, Pranagni, and Jnanagni. In general, Kundalini Shakti lies in a dormant state. When this dormant Kundalini Shakti is awakened through Yoga Agni, then the person becomes healthy, strong, prosperous, self-reliant, and intelligent. This shakti when awakened progresses upwards in the body and consequently leads to many positive and constructive changes in the personal and social life of the person. This can rightly be said as the ‘Principle of Regeneration‘.


Principle Of Vikara-Shamana [ Complete Removal Of Abnormalities ]

There are many abnormalities in human body. With the regular practice of theoretical and practical aspects of Yoga, all kinds of Doshas, Papas [ Evils ], and Vikaras are removed. Please note that Yoga not only controls abnormalities, but it also heals them completely from the system i.e. complete removal of abnormalities is a special feature of Yoga. However, observing Pratyahara is very important and is one of the mandatory components of Yoga to heal and eradicate various kinds of abnormalities. Life becomes divine. Hence, this principle is otherwise known as the ‘Principle Of Attaining Divine Life‘.


Principle Of Samskara-Kshaya [ Negation Of Samskaras ] And Samadhi-Prapti [ Attainment Of Samadhi ]

Yoga is a super science, Paravidya, lifestyle, a scientific process that not only purifies the body and mind but also frees the mind from all sorts of vices and Samskaras. Hence, not only the Kusamskaras but also the Susamskaras are completely nullified by Yoga and the person reaches the state of Nishkamata [ Akarmata ]. When this state of Nishkamata is observed, one attains Samadhi.

Samadhi means panacea in this context i.e. a person reaching this state experiences total freedom from all sorts of problems and bondages. In such a state, the person’s mind becomes extremely focused and established in the self. A person in such a state is called a Jeevan Mukta. A Jeevan Mukta lives as an instrument of God. God uses him/her as a medium to fulfill many divine and illustrious endeavors.

Hence, this principle is known as ‘The Principle Of Living As An Instrument Of God‘.


Principle Of Mukti

The fundamental principle of yoga is to be free from all sorts of Dukha [ Sorrows ]. To be free from all sorrows is called Mukti. Happiness and sorrow are the reason for birth and death. To be free from this continuous cycle of birth and death is called Mukti [ Videhamukti ]. This is also called Kaivalya, Nirvana, Nihshreyas, Apavarga, and Apunarbhava.

Yoga is Paravijnana that extensively analyses the present life and the past and future lives of an individual. Yoga considers the present life [ Birth ] as a step in the infinite journey of this creation. This life and living area is filled with sorrow; person may choose to act wisely or wickedly, but ultimately he is going to get only sorrow. In Yoga, both happiness and sorrow are considered as two sides of the same coin, and through Yoga one has to attain freedom or Mukti.


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